Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | encyclical | gazette | poster | rotogravure | windowpane OCR: QuickTime" which is required for in the same way, if it's not already corner} to go directly to the Placing this in lower-level How Computers Work. n vour System folder. Program Map directories {folders} may cause -ROM dite Computers Work tile -like buttons, which will storage spare, and double-click different that Wark. onto the Setup Insert Ouick CD-ROM desktop QuickTime HCW <Draw the icon CD player You'll {for extension need to pue appears into install 2 6.0.7 on your the your on How You'l! cation quickly opening application Performance to find it the you your CD first hard about the ROM copy first disk. 550K will desktop the level run appli- size. upon icon more The bot lead How learn Guided tom you how Program of Tour Computers into to the use Map (guide each Haw cap includes of Use M ...